Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Buyer Fatigue

I read this article today about David Jones' profits being down, and them blaming it on the effect of the prospective carbon tax on consumer confidence. It made me think, maybe we're just sick of constantly consuming. Why, DJs, do we have to be constantly buying stuff to fatten your pockets, and empty our own? Why have we created a system that solely relies on buying and selling, buying and selling, buying and selling-the constant whirring of the cash register? And ultimately who gains-the seller and the government, profit and taxes. It just seems stupid to me that we build the system based on buying and selling and then when the central cog of the system, the consumer, exercises their right to choose to stop consuming (overpriced) merchandise, the system falls apart.

I guess there is a fundamental flaw in the idea that the system falling apart is a bad thing. The system buy/sell economy falling down is a bad thing for seller and buyers alike, but the buyers are capable of reform and alternative, but the sellers? What else have they got? They have so much more to loose, so they will inflate the bubble to make it last as long as possible keep squeezing more money out of the system.

Hmm...what annoys me more? That we can't really do anything about it....

Monday, July 11, 2011

Etsy Round-Up

Here is the first of many Etsy Round-Ups. This is where I bring YOU, the things I LURVE this week in etsy.

1. Autumn Moon Clock
2. Cut-out Clock
3. Elk/Deer Pictures
4. Pretty Ring

How terrible I am

Yes, its been a long time. But, I've recently starting blogging for work, which in turn has inspired me to start blogging again. YAHOO!

But, what direction will this blog take, I hear you ask...YES lonely person reading this post. Well, my pretty, it will be MIXED BUSINESS.

Seeya on the flippy

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

continuing on...

After brushing the hot tea from her lap rather unsuccessfully, she stood upright and looked around. The scalding tea trickled down her stockinged leg and into her shoe, but she took no notice. She cocked her head to the side and waited to hear once more what had caused the calamity with the tea.

She waited, and there was only silence.

Her eyes shifted around the room, unable to trust her surroundings anymore, working only on a the primal instincts and senses that could detect whatever creakings and workings she suspected around her.

Abruptly though, she came to her senses.

"Jane. Get a hold of yourself,"she said loudly and bruskly, breaking the grip the silence had on the room. She shook her head and, rubbing her hands through her hair, attempted to kick herself back into reality.

The creatures breathed a sigh of relief as Jane picked up her cup and walked back into the kitchen.

"jillba-whhaaatt were you thinking??" roared Vinchi in a whisper.

"it was an accident, i didn't mean it!"

Vinchi, of course, was referring to the act which had Jane so concerned. The act that could, right then and there, have blown the cover of their entire operation.

Friday, July 3, 2009

A little bit of something

The lady herself was reasonably removed from the community that had formed in her local streets and alleyways. Not aware that in holes and crevices, in cupboards and backboards all around her that secret meetings and arrangements were being made. The lady continued on with her daily life. Routines of cups of tea, trips to corner store and the local park were undisturbed by the community's advancing plots. But, from time to time, she stopped and stared, when they got sloppy. The occasional whisper met her ears, the occasional scurry made her turn her head and on the last day, when a large crash came from the bathroom, the lady dropped her tea in her lap.

copyright to mixed business

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Welcome-to me and you

I've had a few tries at blogging over the years...but this time I'm determined to make a proper go of it. I am inspired to blog this time around for a few reasons. Firstly, I want to get back into creative writing, and having a blog would (i hope) force my hand at writing something every day (if I'm diligent). Also, if anyone reads this, I'd like to get some feedback and for other people to share their creations. You never know, we may end up with a giant 'Choose Your Own Adventure', or a blogged novel/short story. Fingers crossed.
In addition to this, I want to try to bring some of my frustrations, political and otherwise, and joys, in the world around me.
And so begins...Mixed Business...